Friday, March 4, 2016

Simple 3d flower Pop Up card

Simple 3D Pop-Up Card

Hello everyone....

Few days back it was my dad's birthday and I thought of making a simple card for him.
Based on his likings towards nature and flowers I got an idea of making a 3d flower pop up card.

Simple 3D pop up card
Simple Pop Up Card
The front side of the card.

popping up flowers
Popping Up Flowers
Inside the card.

Let's get started with the procedure..

Stuff required :

Papers (white/color)
Card stock 

Process :

1. We require 5 rectangular pieces of paper to make the flowers. Based on the size of our card we should take the rectangular piece.

2. Now fold the rectangular piece horizontally and then fold it vertically.
Then fold diagonally from both the sides.

3. Next to get proper and identical petals fold the little triangle into half. Now using scissors cut small arc as shown below.

4. Now we got the flower ready with identical petals.

5. Next cut a small triangular petal and put some glue on one end and stick other on it. This would give our flower a 3D look. Make 7 such flowers.

6 Now, lets assemble these flowers.

We just need to put the little amount of glue where X is marked. Arrange and stick as shown in the above image.

7. Once we complete the assembling process the last step is place this between the folded card stock. Stick only the tip so it can easily pop up.

We are ready with our 3D flower pop up card.

3d flower pop up
3D Flower Pop Up Card

Simple yet beautiful isn't it?
Try this out and would be eagarly waiting for your feedbacks 😊

Tips :-

I had used white papers to make the flowers. So once all my flowers got ready I had painted them red and detailed them with golden lines to make it elegant.
You can use color papers instead.


  1. There are no words to show my appreciation.. I found some Creative Pop Up Cards on If you want to find a pop-up cards supplier, dont forget them.

  2. How can I ever thank you for this tutorial.. I found some Creative Pop Up Cards on They are the top of pop up 3d cards supplier in Viet Nam.
